Bike/Walk Path

Flat Rock Section
  • The trail proceeds easterly along East Huron River Drive to Church Street, where it becomes a bike trail and links up with a circular loop at the DNR boat launch property. 
  • After looping back to Church Street, the trail heads north to Gibraltar Road. 
  • A new traffic light will be installed at the intersection of Church and Gibraltar to facilitate a safe pedestrian crossing to the north side of Gibraltar. 
  • The trail heads easterly along the north side of Gibraltar to the intersection of Garden Boulevard. 
  • At this point, the trail becomes a 10 ft. wide bike path again for the remainder of the system.
  • Once in the Gateway Commerce Industrial Park, the path continues along the I-75 Detroit Edison easement southerly to Woodruff Road into the City of Rockwood. 
  • The bike path continues easterly, along Gibraltar until Gateway Boulevard, where it crosses to the south side, via a traffic light. 
  • The trail continues along the north side of Gibraltar to Community Park, where a 3,200 foot loop system is provided through the park, along the western side of Silver Creek, north to High School Boulevard and then south along the western side of Aspen Boulevard, where it links up with the main bike route along Gibraltar. 
  • As the pathway continues along Woodruff to Jefferson, it will link into the Lake Erie Metropark system, thereby creating a total non-motorized east-west pathway of 24 miles.

bike path